by JamieY | Apr 26, 2011 | Children's Portraits |
Last week I had the wonderful pleasure of photographing this cute little guy named Kyle. He was so funny. He uwas totally against smiling for the camera. Everytime a smile would start to come, he would quickly turn his face so I couldnt see. As the shoot...
by JamieY | Apr 24, 2011 | Children's Portraits |
Happy Easter Everyone! Just thought I would share this quick little teaser from my last shoot of an adorable little guy. Hope you enjoy your holiday with your friends and family! I don’t know what I am going to bribe my daughter with now since I have been using...
by JamieY | Apr 23, 2011 | Children's Portraits |
I had the pleasure of photographing these two beautiful sisters earlier this week at Floyd Lamb park. xo-Jamie
by JamieY | Apr 13, 2011 | Personal | Me & My Family |
Last weekend we had my daughter’s 3rd birthday party at our house. I cannot believe she is 3. It makes me sad how fast she is growing up. She didn’t really have much of the terrible twos but I can already tell its going to be some terrible threes. She...
by JamieY | Apr 6, 2011 | Weddings |
Just a quick little teaser from the wedding I second shot with Cherie Hogan Photography. More coming soon..