Last weekend we had my daughter’s 3rd birthday party at our house.  I cannot believe she is 3.  It makes me sad how fast she is growing up.  She didn’t really have much of the terrible twos but I can already tell its going to be some terrible threes.  She has just recently developed an attitude that belongs on a teenage girl.  But when she is sweet she is the sweetest thing ever.

We were fortunate to have some of my in-laws in town for the birthday so we had alot of family from my husband’s side there to celebrate as well as our amazing friends.

The party was Megamind themed because that is her favorite.  They dont sell much so we had to get things online.  My father in law made this amazing pinata.

We also played pin the goatee on the Megamind.  Maddy didnt get it on the right spot and when she took off her blindfold she grabbed it and put it where it was supposed to go.  It was pretty funny.

She sure loves her uncle Mikey.

And her uncle Paul!

Since all of my husband’s brothers, nephews, and parents were at the party we decided to do some family portraits real fast.

You can never trust a Yacksyzn boy when taking pictures.

And this is why…

But we managed to get some good ones with no hitting and no blocking.

All the brothers, the Yacksyzn 5

On this last one apparently only a few of us heard “Make a funny face”

The party was great, thanks to everyone who came, and to those that didn’t we missed you.  Maddy got so many cute clothes I am kind of glad I have procrastinated on her 3 year photos.
