A few days ago I posted photos from a Las Vegas photo shoot with Roberta Frey Designs.  You can view that one here.  For this shoot I went to Phoenix Arizona where Roberta is based.  Roberta has been designing dresses and working in the industry for many years.  Due to unexpected circumstances she had to sort of close down shop for awhile to focus on other things.

Ali Craig is a brand consultant and amazing boss lady from Arizona as well.  She is doing a show on the Success channel called “Fix My Brand” with Ali Craig.  Roberta was chosen to be one of the participants on the show.  She is ready to charge full steam ahead again and get her dresses in front of all the right people.  The perfect bride for her dresses possess a certain edge and are powerful confident women.

The shoot took place in the desert near her home outside of Phoenix AZ.  There were 3 adult models and her 2 adorable kids.  A motorcycle was brought in as well.  The models showcased several of Roberta’s amazing dresses.

Dress Designer: Roberta Frey Designs

Hair & Makeup: Diane Aiello

Jewlery: Raquel RSV Santiago

Models: Arielle Moore, Sabrea Phenix, Kenzieee

For the show Fix My Brand With Ali Craig

Check out the site for the show at: https://www.fixmybrandwithalicraig.com/

It was such an honor to work with such a great group of people.  Roberta’s dresses are true works of art and I know she is going to kick ass out there.
