Yesterday was a very inspiring day for me. I was able to listen to some of the CreativeLive workshop with Jasmine Star (a huge inspiration to me) while I was working my day job and some of what she talked about was totally appropriate for me right now. The main thing was KIR, keep it real. She explained how important it is to keep it real, be yourself. It is better for people to not like you for who you really are then not like you for something you are trying to be. Sometimes we worry to much about people liking us and not saying things that may offend people or turn people off of you. It really is better to be yourself. If people like you then great, if not, oh well. Not everyone has to like you, being real and being you will attract people who do like you. So I know this is kind of a rambling. But it hit home and I plan on being more “me” on my blog. I want to keep it real just like her.

I also went to a PUG meeting and Jared Platt spoke about speeding up your workflow using Lightroom.  It was all very inspiring.  I need to go get Lightroom pronto.

So much positive great stuff in one day, made me realize I am on my right path.

This weekend is my 31st birthday, eek.  I would prefer to just stay 30, or even go backwards, but either way I am excited for the celebration.  My husband got the whole weekend off which is rare for him and we got an overnight babysitter.  It is time to party.  I just gotta find me a party dress and I am so ready!