wedding on yacht at lake las vegas

Johana and Travis got married last weekend on a Yacht!  The yacht was at the beautiful Lake Las Vegas, where you might remember from their beautiful pre-wedding photo session which you can view here.  Travis’s sister made all of the decorations and even the beautiful flowers.  She is getting into the wedding planning business and it looks like she has a bright future ahead of her.

The Yacht pulled out into the lake for the ceremony which took place on the upper deck.  The reception was held below and it was intimate and beautiful.  The food was catered by the one and only Lucille’s BBQ!

Johana was a gorgeous bride and she was smiling from ear to ear all day.

red and tiffany blue wedding decorations

rustic wedding cake peach and off white

The tiffany and blue color scheme was so beautiful.

Travis’s finger swelled up a little bit from the heat, so it was a little tough to get the ring on, but she got it on.

Watch the slideshow below for lots more pictures from the big day.
