intimate wedding ceremony at the dry lake bed in las vegas

Aaron and Emily contacted me a few months ago from Ontario regarding their upcoming wedding.  When they sent me a photo of a dry lake bed and asked if I knew of a place like that I was super excited because I knew of just the place and I have never photographed or seen an actual ceremony take place on a dry lake bed.  When we got to the dry lake bed, it was actually not all that dry.  The officiant and I both got our cars stuck in the mud, luckily Aaron and Emily did not.  Thankfully Emily had cowboy boots on and we were all able to walk over to the perfect spot, away from the cars and mud.  From that moment on everything was beautiful.

Emily looked beautiful in her first dress of the day with feathers in her hair and a smile that lights up her whole face.  They were both filled with so much joy and love, it was perfect.  After their ceremony they collected some dirt to take back home in a small plastic container.  By this time, our cars had been taken care of and we all headed out to Nelson to finish up the day with some fun portraits.

Emily had a 2nd dress for this part of the day and it was just as fabulous as the first.  They even had a chance to show me their dance moves that they had been practicing.

It is always such a pleasure to meet and work with such wonderful couples and this is one day I will never forget.

wedding at dry lake bed



bride and groom immediately after first kiss

orange and green and white bouquet with leather feather pouch











Wedding officiated by the fabulous Angie from Peachy Keen Unions.

To see more of these two lovebirds, watch the slideshow below.
