
Say hello to adorable little Kai and the “W” family.  We met this amazing family when I was pregnant with Mylo.  They go to church with my husband and lived around the corner from us.  She became pregnant with Kai when I was still pregnant with Mylo.  They had had many challenges on their path towards becoming parents.  Kai has been kind of a miracle baby and you can tell he means the absolute world to them.  Kai is such a sweet adorable, relaxed, happy little guy.  I was so excited when they asked me to do his one year portraits as well as some family photos for them.  To make things even more exciting, they wanted to do the pictures in a non traditional location.  The arts district was the perfect location.  Kai was amazing during the shoot.  Seriously probably the easiest 1 year old I have ever photographed.  Young children are always one of my favorite subjects.  They have so many facial expressions, all equally worth capturing.  As a parent, you want to be able to look back and remember all their faces.  The curious face, the silly face, the calm face, even the angry face.  They are all those little things that make their personalities so unique.  It is also pretty gratifying to be able to capture the love between a family, all the special relationships, and the joy that such a little person can bring to such an amazing couple.

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I am so happy to have been able to meet this inspiring family and so honored that I was able to capture such important photographs for them.
