

I am so excited to share my son Mylo’s 1 year photos.  I had the hardest time narrowing them down for this blog.  That face, I just can’t get enough of it.  We went to some new areas in downtown Las Vegas and did the shoot kind of drive by style.  We parked and popped out of the car, did the pics and then jumped back in to the next spot.  Right away Mylo was not having it.  He can definitely go from happy to pissed in an instant, kind of like what you see in that first photo.  We had to pull out a lollipop (his first one ever) to kind of bribe him into being happy.  Sometimes you just gotta do whatever it takes.  My husband was such a huge big help with this shoot, thanks Dave I couldn’t have done it without you.



I was super excited to find that skull and crossbones painting.  Yes, Mylo is sitting in some crazy alley, but we brought some nice clean cardboard from home, and he was totally safe.  See how happy he is now with his lollipop?




Then we ventured to an area with a train passing by in the background.  So perfect, I loved this spot.  Apparently Mylo did too.  He always makes “ooh ooh” sounds when he gets excited, or if he sees a bird or something moving.






We brought along this cute little plastic ride on horse that he got as a birthday gift.  It provided such a great contrast to the location and backgrounds.






If you follow my blog at all you may remember this hat from his first birthday fiesta.  Such a cute little addition to his urban cowboy photos.  He is totally like tipping his hat above.  Have I mentioned how freakin cute he is.







Of course I have to end with a little shot of my daughter, she would be sad if she wasn’t included.



Time sure moves fast with kids.  It seems faster with the second because you kind of already know what to expect.  I am definitely still getting used to life with 2 and struggle with it at times.  Boy’s can for sure be alot different then girls, but basically all kids are different.  Mylo is almost the complete opposite as Madi was.  He is super affectionate and lovable, but at times it is a little too much.  He very rarely wants to be on his own.  I know I will miss it once it is gone though so I try and appreciate it every day.  He isn’t walking yet.  He just likes to take things at his own pace.  He just started giving us kisses, along with a few fat lips in the process.  I am always in awe of his blonde hair and wonder if it is going to stay for good.  He loves music and bops his head around when we play something good.  He likes to say Hi and Bye and wave and also likes to pick up phones and put it to his ear and say Hi.  I look forward to all of the new things he will be doing as he grows.

To see lots more from this session view the video below.


Mylo 1 Year from JamieY Photography on Vimeo.