by JamieY | Feb 14, 2011 | Children's Portraits |
Here is the full post from my most recent children’s portrait session with adorable little Tommy. If he looks familiar, I did take portraits of him before here. This little boy is so stinkin cute. So often kid’s portraits are the most work, since...
by JamieY | Feb 12, 2011 | Children's Portraits
Here is just a little teaser from my Children’s session today with Adorable little Tommy. I love how his blue eyes match his shirt! More to come very soon.
by JamieY | Feb 11, 2011 | Boudoir Photography
Here are a couple more images from my 3rd girl during the boudoir photography marathon I held a few weeks ago in Las Vegas. I can’t show her face, but you can still tell by these images what a great job she did. Happy Valentines Day everyone! I know the men that...
by JamieY | Feb 4, 2011 | Personal | Me & My Family |
Hey all you photographers. I am helping to put together a group shoot during WPPI this year. It will be held at 8am-10am Sunday February 20th. You will have plenty of time to get back to the MGM and register and make it to the first platform class that day. The...