rock n roll wedding pictures on the las vegas strip

I am so happy to share the most recent photos from my “post” wedding session with Anya & Kitt.  They were married at one of the local chapels in town earlier in the day.  They decided, which was super smart and awesome by the way, to have a photo session on their wedding day out and around the strip.  Almost every chapel in town will not let you bring in your own photographer for the ceremony, so it is a great idea to do a session afterwards if you still want fabulous photos from your day.

Anya is super gorgeous and I just love love love her dress.  Her bright blue shoes really popped off her outfit.  She brought some sandals along, which was another great idea, because walking on the strip can really make your feet hurt.  During a 2 hour session you are pretty much walking 90% of the time.  So during the shoot I would tell her “shoes” or “no shoes”, it was pretty funny 😉

I love how happy they look in the photos.  You can see how much they love each other.

Congratulations to the both of you!  I had so much fun photographing you and you are both such sweet wonderful people.

cool edgy wedding photography on the las vegas strip

Enjoy the slideshow!  (Can’t be viewed on Ipads or Iphones)
