group of girls in las vegas for bachelorette party

Becky and her gorgeous friends came to Las Vegas for a few very special reasons last week.  Becky was getting married and she had her Bachelorette party the day before.  Her friends had a great idea to get a photographer to document the party.  Her friends are scattered throughout the country and they all came out for her special day.

Becky is moving to London for 2 years with her new husband, so these few days were the last time everyone would see each other for a long time.  Becky’s mother was there to party with all the girls.  It was a great opportunity to get more photographs of the bride with her mom, sisters, and friends.  Sometimes weddings can go so quickly, especially these Vegas weddings, so the more time for important photographs the better.

The party was held at the Treasure Island.  The room was decorated so great.  There were yummy cupcakes, champagne with rasberries, and more.  All the girls were decked out in black dresses with the bride to be in a beautiful off white lace dress.  The girls were so much fun and had me cracking up.  They were playing a drinking game where they all had to speak with a London accent or else take a drink.

After the photo shoot they were going to have dinner and then enjoy a night of partying Las Vegas style.

The next day was the wedding!

Congratulations Becky!

bachelorette party favors cupcakes and champagne

Oh, and the girls made Becky a photo book.  When I arrived she was looking at it and she definitely loved it.  What a great gift to give your best friend who is getting married.

bride to be looking at a photo book from her best friends given as a gift

I can’t forget to mention their mustaches!  They all had a mustache for a cute prop for pictures.

bachelorette party photography in las vegas out by the pool at treasure island

bridesmaids inspired photo of real brides maids in las vegas
