
So, about two weeks ago, one of my previous brides who I follow on instagram posted a picture of her daughter eating sushi with some guy named @rickonia.  I didn’t really think much of it but liked it and didn’t check him out at the time.  Then Casey, the fabulous bride, commented that I should check out the awesome stuff he was doing and that he was coming to Vegas.  So, I looked him up and started following him on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook.  His name is Ricky Smith and he is going across the U.S. performing random acts of kindness everywhere and videotaping it.  The trip is funded through donations on his site at http://rakenow.org/ (he is more than half way through so hurry and check him out before it’s done).  You can find the pictures and stories of awesome acts of kindness that he has done so far by using the hashtag #Rake and #Followme on social media.

I didn’t know I was going to be lucky enough to be a part of his special tour.  While in Vegas they were going to be holding a prom for a group of senior citizens at a center here.  Casey told him what an amazing photographer I was (Thanks girl!) and lucky me, they said they could use one, so I got my chance to witness what a great thing Rickonia is doing.

I met up at the senior center as everyone was coming into the room.  It was so fun to see how dressed up some of the attendees got.  They wore their best clothes, and had hair and makeup done.  There was about 50 people that came.  It started off a little rocky, the dj that was supposed to come ended up getting sick.  There were some technical difficulties with the music.  So Ricky had to improvise a little a do a little game of Bingo, some limbo, even a little conga line.  He asked a few of the women to marry him, did a little twerking, and most importantly made them smile and have a great time.  As I was editing these images I was brought to tears.  Just seeing the joy on their faces is so special.  So many times I think that people in homes are kind of forgotten and don’t get much excitement in their daily lives.  It was so special to watch them being treated to this wonderful evening just for them.


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This guy was so amazing.  He won the Bingo game.  The prizes were some flowers, a $10 bill, and a Walmart gift card.  He gave the card back to Ricky and said give it to somebody who could really use it.  You know he will too.  So nice to see this man pay it forward.  Super inspiring.

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Everyone had a great time taking selfies.

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I just love here whole outfit, including the gold sparkley Uggs.



I am so thankful that I got to be a part of this and document it.  As you can clearly see, a good time was had by all.  What you are doing is so inspiring Ricky!!!

To see even more from this event, watch the video below.


#Rake Prom at senior citizen center from JamieY Photography on Vimeo.