Portraits In The Sand Dunes

I can’t believe it has taken me this long to post these Portraits In The Sand Dunes of my daughter. I did this shoot back in May when quarantine was still going strong. I always like to have some kind of theme with my kids photos. Hanging out on the beach I was inspired by the huge bubbles that some people make near the boardwalk. My idea was born.

I took her out to the sand dunes because I love it out there and I thought it would be the perfect place to go with her dress and lots of room to play with bubbles. Just the two of us headed out there and it was so fun. I am always amazed how well she does in front of the camera. When she was a baby and I would try to take photos I had to work super hard for them. She would never look. Now she is my beautiful little muse. I can’t believe she is 12.

She never wears makeup in normal life but I wanted to make these more of an editorial vibe and its fun to dress up for special occasions. I am obsessed with these photos. I already framed and blew up my favorite image and it is hanging in the hallway. It has been over three months since we shot these but any kind of extra work has been tough to focus on. I finally feel like I am back on track and ready to catch up.

I had the hardest time narrowing these down. It is hard for me to do with client photos but when it is my own kid it is even harder. Another favorite part is the mark on her eyebrows that her and her dad did during quarantine. They both shaved a little line. I love how much it adds to the photos.

To see even more, check out the slideshow below.

Portraits In The Sand Dunes