It has been awhile since I posted any personal pictures of my family so I thought I would share our most recent vacation.  For super bowl weekend we decided to make a trip up to Brianhead Ski Resort in Utah.  Being pregnant, I couldn’t snowboard or anything, so we just went to enjoy the snow, mountains, and get away from Vegas.  My daughter had a great time and is a snow bunny at heart.  We all enjoyed sledding, even though Madilyn did crash into our 2nd sled and got a fat lip and bloody nose.  After a nap she was ready to go some more and didn’t let that injury get in her way.  This will probably be our last vacation until baby #2 makes its debut in June.



We drove up past the ski area to the top of the mountain and there was just miles of mountains and undisturbed snow all around.  Truly a beautiful site.





Yes I know there are no pictures of me.  I am pretty sure there wont be any shared until a few months after this baby comes out 😉  I am not one of those cute pregnant people.
