Image of the new bridge at Hoover Dam with the sun setting behind it.
My husband had the great idea last week of going to Hoover Dam to check out the new bridge.  It is less than an hour drive from us and something I would never have thought of.  I am so glad we did.
They just recently finished it and I must say it is impressive.  The thing is huge.  The pic below was taken out of the car window.
Lake mead near the dam, so pretty, crazy to see where the water level used to be.
My fabulous friend Amanda got my daughter the amazing shoes below for Christmas.  I think I love them more then my daughter does.
Her daddy can make her laugh like no other, beleive me I try.
Maybe there is hope that she will start modeling for me soon.  I can’t wait, its fricken hard chasing her around with a camera when she wont look.
Hope your new year is fabulous so far!