
It has been awhile since I posted some photos of my kids.  My daughter Madi turned seven 2 months ago and my son Mylo turns one in a few weeks so now was the perfect time to update their photos.  I try to do them at least once a year formally and then also on Christmas and vacations.  It is so important for me to have photos of them as they grow and not just photos that sit on my camera on my phone.  Also, after moving into our new house I realized we have lots of wall space and lots and lots of pictures of just Madilyn.  She was definitely my top model for a long time and I need to even it out a bit so Mylo has equal presence on the walls.

I love outdoor natural like photos, that is pretty much my thing.  However, sometimes it is fun to play around inside and I also got a cool new Ice Light and decided to give it a whirl.  We still haven’t really furnished our front living room so it was just begging for a photo shoot to take place.  There wasn’t really enough window light so Dave helped me out by holding the Ice Light so we could get some nice portraits of the kiddos.

Mylo is still just as crazy as can be!  We never know how his mood is going to be for the day, somedays he is great all day and sometimes he makes me want to pull out all my hair. We had to bribe him with lots of candy and I didn’t get many shots of him alone.  His favorite toys are balls so we got a photo of him holding one of them.  He is already so good at throwing and kicking them.

Madi is still just as sweet as she can be.  The amount of patience she has with her brother amazes me.  He always wants what she has and she gets frustrated less often then I do.  Her favorite toy is a stuffed turtle that I gave her a few years ago, so we got a photo of her and him.

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She just went into this pose all by herself, don’t know where she got it from.

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They drive me absolutely crazy almost every single day but I love the crap out of them and they even out all the crazy by how much they make me smile and be filled with love.
