las vegas childrens photographer photo of dad and daughter on fathers day

I noticed recently that the more I do photography as work, the less I do it for personal things.  I realized this is something I need to change.  I love photography, and not just doing it for other people.  I have a talent and I should be using it to capture people and moments that are important in my own life as well.    So I am recommitting myself to taking photographs more often of my family.

This fathers day was the perfect time.  My daughter is totally in love with my makeup.  I never put it on her, but she loves to watch me put it on and asks me what it all is.  My husband got the bright idea to put some on her, I swear it wasnt me.  He did it all himself and did a great job I must say.  We went in the backyard to play and I thought to myself, this is one of those moments I should be capturing for us to remember forever.  It just so happened I got some of my favorite pictures of my daughter thus far and I even got to play around with my new lens which lets me get much closer to her for pictures.

We have a peach tree in our backyard and this year it yielded about 50 peaches no exaggeration.  So of course we had to get some pictures of her eating our very own peaches.

3 year old girl eating a peach las vegas photographer

I love her little mohawk in that second one.

las vegas children's photographer

las vegas childrens portraits

las vegas children's photographer

las vegas children's photography

Now of course she has been asking to wear makeup again every day, so maybe it wasnt the best idea.  But, it sure made for some cute pictures.
