This shoot has been a long time coming.  Last August, I went to a photography workshop.  One of the main things I took away from that workshop was that I really needed to shoot for myself more often.  I have done like 1 or 2 shoots in the past that were for me, but nothing really totally 100% for me.  Its been on my list for awhile but its always so much easier to keep it on the list of to do’s and not actually start working on it.  I finally marked it off my to do list!  Doing a shoot with no expectations from any outside source is very freeing.  It is a way to show what you love and what you want to express without worrying that your clients won’t like it.

A few months ago, I was at my Yoga/Workout studio and the teacher guided us on a meditation after a really hard Shakti Pilates class.  During that meditation, I could totally envision what he was describing. The words he said after were exactly what I needed to hear at the time.  He spoke of freedom from judgement and confidence and much more.  I decided in that moment that I wanted to create a photo shoot inspired by this meditation.  I wanted an air of spirituality in the shoot and to also celebrate women and how strong we are and a sort of enlightenment and coming into that power.  Gold was the overwhelming theme as well since I pictured a golden aura surrounding this woman.  There were some things I envisioned that changed over the course of planning but I am so happy with the way it came out.  I seriously was almost in tears when I first started looking at them on my camera at home that night.

I had the best of luck with finding the model Brooke.  A local photographer helped set us up and I couldn’t be more grateful  She could not have been more perfect for what I wanted for this shoot.  I hired one of my favorite local makeup artists to do her makeup, Francesca Lombardo with Bobbie Pin Beauty.  The clothes I bought online and we ended up using only one but it was the best.  It has an almost soldier like look to it which was perfect!  I am not always the best with words and writing is not my most effective form of communication, but these photos conveyed exactly what I wanted them to.  Thank you for looking.  I know there is a ton.  I just could not narrow it down further.

To see even more from this shoot, watch the slideshow below.
