One year old boys portrait taken at floyd lamb park in las vegas

This weekend I had the pleasure of photographing super cute Julian.  We did the session at Floyd Lamb park and boy was it cold and windy.  We almost gave up to reschedule, but luckily we didnt because the weather got a little better and Julian started to have fun.

one year old boy photograph taken in front of tall grass

Portrait of young boy taken in las vegas at floyd lamb park

children's portrait taken in las vegas at floyd lamb state park

children's portrait taken in las vegas at floyd lamb state park

children's portrait taken in las vegas at floyd lamb state park

las vegas children's photography session at floyd lamb park

children's portrait taken in las vegas at floyd lamb state park in black and white

He really enjoyed playing with all the sticks there.

children's portrait taken in las vegas at floyd lamb state park

children's portrait taken in las vegas at floyd lamb state park

This last image makes me laugh! Babies are so cute!

children's portrait taken in las vegas at floyd lamb state park little boy holding rocks

See Julian’s teaser photo here