Me and my family took our first trip with new baby Mylo, and our only vacation of the summer to California.  We had a great time.  We went to the beach and got to hang out with one of our favorite families from Vegas.  We were able to visit with some of our family that lives there as well.





One of the main reasons we went is so that we could take Madi to Disneyland.  With the new baby, she has gotten way less attention.  The baby takes up so much of our time so I wanted to do something special for Madi that I knew she would enjoy.  Disneyland was fun.  We thought we were smart for going on a Monday but I guess everyone else thought they were smart too and it was super duper crowded.  We didn’t get too many photos there, I wouldn’t really recommend bringing a 2 month old baby along.




We also spent some time in Santa Monica and accidentally came upon a fabulous farmers market.  We went to the Sawtelle area of LA and ate some fabulous Japanese food with our friend James.  We checked out Rodeo Drive and got some delicious Sprinkles cupcakes.

Best of all though is that we got to spend 5 days together as a family.  It was our first vacation as a family of 4 and I look forward to many more.



(By the way, I didn’t do any fancy photoshop with the picture above, thats just what happens when the sun shines through a pink bucket and your doing a silhouette)
