
Corry & Robert, where do I begin.  Such an amazing couple with an amazing story.  They traveled to Las Vegas from Canada to go to EDC for the weekend. I was impressed that they made it to the shoot, partying for 3 nights in the hot Vegas heat would make me want to cancel just about anything for some sleep.  Well, they made it, and I am so glad they did.  They wanted to get some photos done for a few reasons.  One, they had just both lost a bunch of weight and wanted some updated photos to show off their new bodies.  Corry is also a photographer and we got a few shots of just her alone too.  Secondly, these two have an amazing love story and just had to have some good pictures of their somewhat new relationship status.

Corry and Robert were best friends since grade 2.  They grew up in a small town where everyone was like family.  Even their grandmas were best friends.  Corry never realized that the man of her dreams was right in front of her.  Since grade school, Robert was in love with her.  Because of their amazing friendship, she never realized it was actually love until she was 31 years old.  They were truly best friends through all those years.  They were inseparable during high school.  After graduation, they both went their separate ways and moved 15 hours apart.  Every Sunday they would talk on the phone about their week.  They both fell in love with other people and Corry got the guy she thought she always wanted and had two beautiful children who are now 11 and 9.  Robert married a great gal who upon meeting Corry for the first time, told her that she would be the girl he leaves her for.  About 6 years ago, Corry won a small lottery of $5,000 and immediately wanted to call Robert and not her husband.  That is when she knew that she wanted to be with her best friend.  In October of 2010 they both knew they needed to be together.  Both of them had amicable divorces and are even still friends with Corry’s ex.  The judge even commented that he had never seen anything this awesome before.

You can tell by being around them that they are such a magical pair.

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