Earlier this month Emily & Greg had a wedding reception for family and friends at Nora’s restaurant.  They had wed a few months before and I also photographed a wedding portrait session with them here.  Not only was this a reception to share their recent marriage, but it was also a surprise gender reveal.

Emily & Greg are having a baby in the next few months and they thought it would be the perfect time to reveal the baby’s gender to all in attendance.  The way they chose to announce it was inside the cannolis passed out to guests as desert.  Cannolis are one of my favorite deserts so I was very impressed with the idea.  Everyone had to wait till all of the cannolis were passed and then Emily & Greg broke into theirs at the same time as everyone else.  Scroll down to see what they are having!

Its a boy!  The cannolis were filled with blue filling on the inside.  What a great gender reveal idea!

Congratulations to two amazing people who are going to be amazing parents to their new little son.

Venue: Nora’s Italian Cuisine
