This is part 2 of my pictures from our recent trip to Costa Rica.  There will be 1 more post.  Narrowing down favorites was so hard.
I loved these walls.  The colors are so pretty.  Most of these pictures in this post have very little to no editing.
This is the type of tree that Sloths love to hang out in.  I LOVE sloths.  On this trip we didnt get to see any, but we were close.  We heard one had been hanging in this tree in the morning.  We searched all around and didnt find it.  bummer
This picture is straight out of camera, no editing.  I love it.  They were some chicks for sale in the market.
This cool tree thing we found on our journeys.  I walked around the other side of it to find it was some kind of shrine.
My dad’s front yard.  On the left is this cool planter he has.
The roots of these palm trees are so gorgeous.
The bus station.
Pura Vida
The bakeries are amazing.  This bread is all over.  Makes you want to eat eat eat.
They caught a lil tadpole in this stream.