In September, me, my husband, and my daughter all went to Costa Rica to visit my dad.  He has lived there for awhile and it was the first time we got to bring my daughter to visit him.
We had a great time, mainly just hanging out at his house.  A majority of these images are taken in his front yard, or within several minutes of walking.
I have lots and lots of pictures from this trip.  It was so hard to narrow them down.  So, this is part one.  I am not sure how many more I will post, but definitely another set for sure.
My dad’s neighbor grows several types of animals.  One of them is fighting chickens.  I know this is frowned upon, but things are different there then they are here.  They are beautiful birds.  We got to see them up close.  Love this shot I got.
A gorgeous pathway right near the beach.  Looks like Paradise to me.

Pretty awesome house up in the mountains.
We went during their month of Patriotism, kind of like Independence day for us here.  All the houses had flags hanging or posted.  
This is what their garbage cans look like.  I guess it is to keep the critters out.
I love this picture.  These plants photographed so beautifully.  I have two more that are alive at the end of this post.
I am amazed how there is plant and flower growth anywhere you look.  Just walking around in my dad’s front yard/garden, you could see thousands.  Things just grow, out of anything.
I love this house, right across the dirt road from my dad’s.
My daughter’s hair is usually pretty scraggily.  Its just at a weird stage and I dont want to cut it.  Anyhow, the humidity there just made her hair so curly and pretty.
See what I mean, life even under a leaf.
I never realized if you cut a papaya and took out the seeds it makes a star shape.  Beauty in nature is all around.
Several of the pretty things in my dads front yard.
We went to the farmers market one day.  Amahzin!!  So many yummy things.  This is just a taste of all the food there was for sale.