

My darling daughter Madilyn is officially 6 years old.  She actually turned 6 two months ago, but I didn’t get around to doing her photo shoot until just last week.  Going from 1 to 2 kids has really changed this for me.  I always put so much pressure on myself with my children’s photo shoots.  Being a photographer, I feel like I have full control over the shoot so it should be the most amazing ever.  Rarely has that been the case.  I totally love the shoots I do of my kids, even though they are not the most creative earth shattering pictures out there.  An added bonus is that I get to do another round if they don’t turn out how I wanted.  That is what happened with this shoot.  I had this fabulous idea of doing the shoot at one of the local splash pads and oh it would look so cool.  Well, Madilyn and the hundred other kids at the pad had other plans.  I just wanted her to run around and have fun, but instead she wanted to sit and squeeze a ball on the ground.  Its hard to be the comforting mom when you have a 10 lb camera dangling from your body.  There were some tears, and we ended with some watermelon to try and cheer her up.  Over the next couple days I finally found a pinwheel which I had been searching for for the shoot and decided to just do the session at a nearby desert lot by our house.  We found one with a handy little concrete tube and got some fun shots that made everyone happy.

So, a little bit about the big 6 year old.  She just finished up Kindergarden and will start 1st grade in August.  When her school said she would be expected to read by the end of this year I was not so sure.  But, Madi is totally reading at such a great level and is getting better all the time.  She loves to sing and wants to take singing lessons.  She enjoys drawing people pictures and playing with her little brother.  She is such a huge help to me and I love her to pieces.


















Watch the video below for even more photos!


Madi 6 from JamieY Photography on Vimeo.