engagement photography las vegas

Nathan & Brenna traveled to Las Vegas last week from Kansas.  They came to town to get married and decided to do some engagement pictures the day before.  We met up at the Arts District in Downtown Vegas for the shoot.

They are big fans of candy and brought some as fun colorful props to add to the shoot.  I loved Brenna’s bright red hair and it looked awesome in photographs.

For their outfit change, they put on their favorite super hero shirts and used their mighty strength to lift a Winnebago 😉

edgy downtown vegas engagement photography

modern engagement photography downtown las vegas

ENGAGEMENT photo in front of graffiti in downtown las vegas

engagement photo girl with bright red hair

picture of engaged girl through trees

cool wedding ring picture with candy

candy fight engagement photograph

candy necklace engagement photography

couple kissing through chain link fence

grungy backdrop for engagement photo

I will be sharing the pictures from their wedding soon so check back in the next few days.
