I am so excited to be attending WPPI this year.  It is a wedding and portrait photographer convention happening this coming week.  I will not be taking any bookings and will have limited access to my emails until after the show is over on the 24th.  So, if you contact me and don’t hear back, I promise I will respond as soon as I can.

I am so excited to learn from some of the best photographers out there.  All of this knowledge is going to help me grow my business and hopefully inspire me to take better pictures.  I also won a ticket to attend the VIP Nikon party.  I am so excited to get to play with some of the newest lenses they have.  I am also taking part in two shoots and just know I am going to have some fabulous pictures to share soon after.  I also just received my spankin new fantastic camera, the Nikon D700.  I can’t wait to test it out and show you how awesome the pictures are going to be.  This is a huge step up for me and now I can use my old camera as my backup.  Which means I am now booking weddings.  I did not want to start offering weddings until I had a backup, because heaven forbid my camera stops working at a wedding, now I have another one so I can keep on shooting.