wedding portraits downtown las vegas

Today I am sharing the kick ass photos from Eleonora & Ali’s wedding day.  Eleonora & Ali wanted to have wedding portraits taken in downtown Las Vegas.  They were to be married a few days after our photo shoot together.  Instead of having their portraits taken after the wedding, they chose a few days before for a more relaxed feel.

Eleonora & Ali live in the Netherlands and love the vintage urban look to the Downtown Freemont East area of town.  They started off in a more formal outfit similar to their wedding day looks and then changed into something more casual.  Both of them in flamingo prints, which had special meaning since their wedding ceremony was going to be at the Flamingo hotel.

These two were total rockstars and rocked their shoot like supermodels.

To see even more from their day, watch the slideshow below.


Wedding Portraits Downtown Las Vegas

Elonora & Ali from JamieY Photography on Vimeo.