
Elina & Harri worked together way back in 2009 but didn’t really connect until some time later after a night of drinking at a local club.  Since then, Harri moved in with Elina and her daughter and they had a daughter of their own 2 years ago.  They decided to have their wedding in Las Vegas because they wanted it to be unforgettable, different, and all about the two of them.  Since they live in Finland, Las Vegas definitely fulfilled their wishes.

I met up with the beautiful couple after their ceremony in the downtown Freemont East area.  The colorful art murals totally fit their style.

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I am so in love with these series of photos.  I told Harri to hug Elina and this is how he hugged her.  So perfect!  I told them I love the way you hug!  They probably thought I was a dork but seriously, some people just fit together like magic.

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To see even more of their amazing pictures, watch the video below.


Elina & Harri from JamieY Photography on Vimeo.