
This shoot is a little different then what I usually post on my blog, but I couldn’t not share this amazing group of ladies.  Shyla contacted me about doing a fun photo shoot of her and her friends for their yearly girls trip and this time they were coming to Las Vegas.  Shyla and 5 of her friends take an annual trip together somewhere fun every year.  This year they were down one girl because she had just gotten married but they brought along a photo of her and took pictures with her everywhere they went.  They are such great friends, they even brought her photo to Tiffany’s.  They hired a photographer on a previous trip and decided it was the best way to document their trips so that everyone could be in the photos and they would have good pictures to remember it by.  Such a great idea!

We started off at their hotel at the Lynq walked around to some of the must see spots on the Strip.  They were seriously the funnest, nicest group of girls, I secretly wished I was part of their group.

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