So, I thought it had been awhile since I last posted some recent features of my work on other blogs.  Little did I know it had been almost a whole year.  Last March is when I posted one of these blogs.  So, I won’t bombard you with them all in this one post, I am just sharing about half from the last year.

Typically most features are engagements, trash the dress, and wedding photos.  There are tons of inspirational blogs out there dedicated to all those brides looking for a bit of inspiration for their big day.  It is always an honor to have my work shared on another blog and I know it isn’t just my photos that make it happen.  My fun, beautiful, unique clients are what people like to see.

las vegas wedding offbeat pirate themed

Liz & Erik’s pirate themed wedding was featured here on offbeat bride.  The original post can be viewed here.

This feature was one that I was super excited about.  I had always wanted to have work shown on the Offbeat Bride website because it pretty much embodies my favorite types of clients to work with.  Offbeat, alternative, etc.

1-31-13 feature 2 paper proposal

This next feature was from a super fun bachelorette part which was featured on A Paper Proposal here.  The original blog post can be viewed here.

This was a super fun glam bachelorette party here in Las Vegas.  One of my favorite parts was the mustache props that the girls used in a bunch of their photos.

1-31-13 feature 3 wtw

This intimate elopement at Nelson was featured on Want That Wedding here.  The original blog post can be viewed here.

Marianna & Todd’s intimate ceremony at Nelson was actually the first time I photographed a ceremony at the awesome ghost town.

1-31-13 feature 4 borrowed and bleau

Anna & Roman’s wedding was featured on Borrowed And Bleu here.  The original blog post can be viewed here.

Anna & Roman were also married at Nelson.  After their wedding we went to a few other cool places around town, Lake Las Vegas, The Welcome to Las Vegas sign, and then we ended downtown on freemont street.

1-31-13 feature 5 engaged

Stephanie & Derek’s downtown Las Vegas engagement session was featured on Engaged Wedding blog here.  The original post can be viewed here.

They were also featured on the Urban Style Blog which can be viewed here and is shown below.

1-31-13 feature 7 urban style

This session was super fun and we went to some of my favorite places to photograph downtown, back alleys, grungey walls, and lots of other cool urban spots.

1-31-13 feature 6 wed loft

The gorgeous wedding of Johana & Travis was featured on Wed Loft which can be viewed here.  This feature was a combination of a pre-wedding session shown here and the actual wedding day shown here.

This wedding took place on a yacht, definitely not your typical vegas location.

This is all I will be sharing for now but I have another blog post lined up with the rest of the features I haven’t shown.  Next time I don’t think I will wait this long :/
