Since the last time I shared some features, I have had work published on 3 additional sites.

I have been working hard to get my name out there and am so proud of all of these features.

I have some more coming soon as well that I am excited about.

Feature #1

Kelly & Matt’s awesome wedding which was blogged here was featured on the super awesome PopTastic Bride website.

I love this site and am honored to have my work shown here.  It is only possible because of my cool couples though.

Feature #2

Erin & Jonathan’s fun wedding shoot  which was originally blogged here was featured on the super cute Bowties And Bliss website.

I knew this session would be a perfect fit for the site with their awesome apparel and his bowtie of course.  I loved this couple, they were so much fun, and I got to do my first solo session at the Neon Boneyard!

Feature #3

The third and final feature was from Emily & Jon’s wedding day which was blogged here.

This wedding was featured on the fabulous Destination Inspirations website.

Emily & Jon’s wedding ceremony took place on the balcony of a terrace suite at the MGM which is a great place for a destination wedding.

This was one of my favorite wedding day sessions ever!

Feel free to visit any of the sites and leave them some comments, every website loves to get comments I promise you.

It was so wonderful of them to feature my work and my lovely brides and grooms.

Can’t wait to share what is coming up.
