Rock N Roll Kids Photography Vegas

It has been awhile since I have posted anything. It has been even longer since I actually photographed a wedding or couple. So, what better time then now to take pictures of my kids. I took Mylo out for his 6 year, almost 7 year old photos. I had been meaning to do it for awhile and then when he let Dave cut a mohawk I knew now was the time. As I was thinking about it, I remembered the tattoos I got for his newborn photos and I still had them. So the whole concept of the shoot was born.

We took him out to this concrete area where we did our family photos during Christmas time. There were some things spray painted on the walls, including the “F” word. So, if that word makes you uncomfortable especially with a picture of a kid, be warned there are two photos with it. I didn’t write it on the wall, but hey it fit the photos so we used it. I don’t use bad language in front of my kids, and even if I did that is my choice, but no judgement please.

It felt good to get out and take the photos. It took me several weeks to edit them though and then even more to finally get around to posting it. I just have not been super motivated. Living in the time of quarantine can be hard. It is hard to be creative and motivated in this time of uncertainty. Most of the days we are busy with the kids and school work and cooking and cleaning. I have guilt about not doing more for my business right now, but then when I do come up here and work I have guilt not being around my kids. It is also important to do as much self care as possible right now. Including not putting too much pressure on myself to do all the things.

I am ready to start working again as soon as I am able. But where I usually am always go go go and thinking about work and things I can do, right now I am just trying to be.

I do have two things planned to take my daughter’s photos in the next few weeks. Perhaps that will pull me out of this funk a little bit. However, it is already hot as heck out here so going out and shooting right now doesn’t sound super fun.

I love my job, I love my business, I love taking photos and coming up with new ideas. Right now, it is taking a little bit of a backseat to my overall well being. Maybe I will finally finish Lonesome Dove, I am halfway through and it took me a year to get that far.

Thanks for reading, enjoy the photos. Maybe there will be more soon, maybe there won’t. But I do guarantee that once everything opens back up I will be ready to Rock N Roll.

He is such an amazing kid. Very difficult at times, but equally amazing. This was one of the first times he was super into the photos and coming up with poses and everything. He also chose to bring and wear his Grateful Dead shirt in honor of his grandfather who just passed away.


Rock N Roll Kids Photography Vegas