It has been awhile since I have shared any recent features or publications.  With wedding season in full swing it was a little tough to find the time to share, but I do have quite a few that I will share in an upcoming post.  This publication deserves its own blog post because it is one I am most proud of.

I was contacted by an editor of To & From Magazine, an online travel and lifestyle magazine, to contribute to their Love issue.  I was super excited since this would be the first time any of my work had been featured in anything besides another blog or website.  I was able to share 6 of my favorite locations in Las Vegas for a wedding along with pictures from weddings held at each.  In the issue, the feature is 20 pages or 10 spreads.

To&From Feature

I encourage you to check out the magazine here:  To&From Magazine Jan/Feb Issue

The feature starts on page 101.  I am also shown as a contributor on one of the first few pages along with a list of a few of my favorite things.

I am so thankful for all of my super awesome couples who love something a little non traditional in their wedding photos.  They are all so inspiring and keep things exciting and  new all the time.


Thanks for checking it out and I will be posting about some other recent exciting features soon.
