So happy to finally have these Moody Portraits of My Daughter up on the blog. I did these like two months ago but it was right before I got busy and then I didn’t have time to edit them, because client work is usually first up to do.
Anyhow, I got the urge to do some portraits of my daughter in the alley in front of our house with our dog. I hadn’t really played with my Stella light too much and thought this was the perfect chance to do just that. I set up a portable backdrop, an ottoman, and my light. That was our little studio. The sun was almost down so the primary light was my Stella light.
I did Madilyn’s hair and makeup and put her into one of my dresses and we brought the dog out and had some fun. I love taking pictures of her. It is so weird when I started photography I did pictures of her in the backyard and she was like 2. Now she is this beautiful girl, who is 12 but when she gets her hair and makeup done she looks much older.
I adore this girl. Oh and our dog is pretty cool too, lol.
Thank you for checking out some of my personal work.
Amazing Jamie!