Today my first born turned 10!  I seriously cannot believe how fast time flies.  I took my daughter Madilyn out a week or so ago for her 10 year photo shoot.  I usually procrastinate but now that she is older she thinks photo shoots are pretty cool so it was much easier to set it up.  This time the photo shoot wasn’t just for me, but it was for her as well.  We went to this cool torn down house near our neighborhood.  I have been wanting to photograph at it for awhile, perfect chance with my favorite model.

I am so thankful that I get to be the mother that guides this amazing girl through her journey of life.  It isn’t always easy, but it is always more than worth it.  She is such a kind hearted, smart, beautiful girl.  She loves to read books and draw.  She helps me so much with her little brother and is the peace keeper whenever she gets a chance.  She amazes me with her bravery and all the ways she grows and pushes herself.

I love you with all my heart my precious girl. You will always be my #1 girl.  Love you!
