las vegas elopement

Today I am sharing the amazing Las Vegas Elopement of Erin & Michael.  Erin & Michael came to Vegas all the way from the UK to have a special day with just the two of them to celebrate their love and marriage.

Their story as told by Erin: “We met in work five years ago: at first we were just colleagues working on the same team and then before long we realized that we share so many interests: we both had similar tastes in music, literature and films. We went out on a first date together and the rest is history!

Michael proposed the idea of eloping in Vegas while we were out in Liverpool, I said yes and the deal was sealed with a 2am McDonalds. We wanted to elope to completely remove any stress from the big day and also to ensure that the day was completely about us and no-one else. We’ve chosen the Graceland Wedding Chapel for our ceremony (when in Vegas..) and the King himself will be walking me down the aisle. After the ceremony we will then tell our nearest and dearest and will spend the rest of the day partying and celebrating in Sin City as man and wife! ”

I met up with Erin & Michael outside of Graceland chapel right after their ceremony.  We did a few quick photos there and then headed to their hotel room at MGM grand.  The hotel room was stocked with champagne and cupcakes and they toasted their wedding together.  Preparing for their trip and travels they read the book Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, so of course we had to incorporate that for some photos.  After leaving MGM, we had a quick stop at the Welcome To Las Vegas sign before heading downtown.  The happy couple walked around a bit downtown and stopped in the fun kitschy bar called Park On Freemont for a drink.  Lastly, we did a 30 minute session at the Boulevard Gallery in the Neon Museum.  This gallery is new and they were the first couple I have photographed there.

Michael & Erin were so easy to photograph.  They can go from fierce sexiness to non stop laughing and make it all look good.  Editing their images was so fun, seeing their love and how much fun they have together.

Hair & Makeup: Bobbie Pin Beauty

Dress:  Jenny Packham

Chapel: Graceland Chapel

Final Venue: Neon Museum Boulevard Gallery

To see even more of their day, which you totally must see, watch the slideshow below.


Las Vegas Elopement Photographs