Early October my dad came to town to visit from Costa Rica.  Part of the reason for the timing of his trip was his sister’s 90th birthday party.  My dad grew up in Tracy, CA.  Much of his family still lives nearby.  So, my Aunt Virginia had a special 90th birthday party.  The party was held at my 2nd cousin’s property called the Funny Farm.

We had a great time with my dad visiting the town and him showing us the house he grew up in and history about the area.  We all got to meet lots of relatives that I haven’t seen in ages and some ever.  My dad is the youngest of all of his siblings.  So, most of my cousins are closer to my dad’s age then my own.  The kids loved it there.  They got to play in the country and ride around in golf carts around the funny farm.  So much fun and so different from our suburban lives in Las Vegas.

funny farm brentwood california

Sometimes I think my son is a gap model stuck inside a toddlers body.

The face above is the face you get when you ask Madi about the boy she has a crush on.

Me with lots of aunts, cousins, and 2nd cousins.  We can also now see where my son Mylo gets his blonde hair from.

Happy birthday Aunt Virginia!
