engagement at wetlands park las vegas

Today I am sharing this Engagement At Wetlands Park Las Vegas of David & Lacey.  David & Lacey currently live in Atlanta and are having their wedding in Las Vegas later this summer.  They came to town to work on some of their wedding details and get an engagement session.

First, we stopped at the Iconic Welcome To Las Vegas sign.  After grabbing a few quick photos there, we headed to our main location, The Wetlands Park.  Wetlands Park is a huge preserve park on the outskirts of town.  There is an abundance of desert vegetation there.  It is a great spot with variety and to get a desert scene.

Lacey had a trial for her wedding day makeup with the fabulous team at Amelia C & Co the day of our shoot.  That is such a great idea!  I mean if you aren’t getting engagement photos done on that day, at least go on a date.

We found these really cool trees with white fuzzy flowers, almost like cotton.  It was so pretty and made the ground look like snow.  That is also how we got the photos that look like snow is falling.

To see even more from this session, watch the slideshow below.


engagement at wetlands park las vegas