Dry Lake Bed Wedding Las Vegas

Today’s share is a Dry Lake Bed Wedding in Las Vegas, Nevada. Daniella & Kyle came all the way from Ontario Canada to get married with a handful of friends in the desert.

Their story as told by the bride:

” – We met on Tinder 😛 – We’ve been dating for 2+ years – Kyle likes Dani for her frizzy red hair and Dani likes Kyle for his cute butt – We share a love for our beautiful puppies Ziggy and Savannah – Kyle proposed on our vacation out west while in Tofino, British Colombia on a beautiful dock in August 14th 2018 – We didn’t want a big wedding and were struggling with how we were going to tie the note – We were planning a trip with our friends to Vegas and started joking about getting married while we were there and then thought….”Actually, why not?!” – Although our family is sad they won’t be apart of our day, they understand that we don’t want a big thing. We are still hosting a small party back in our home town – Ottawa, Ontario on February 2nd for our family and close friends. “

Daniella & Kyle held their intimate ceremony with Peachy Keen Unions at the dry lake bed with 6 guests. The ceremony was short and sweet and just what they had in mind.

Daniella had a box of smoke bombs delivered to my house so that we could use them on the day. I always recommend the Enola Gaye wire pull ones and they ordered a pack of 7. Getting extras is recommended since sometimes there is a dud or they don’t work how you intended.

We did have a little mishap halfway through the shoot and Kyle got half of a face full of paint. Thankfully we were able to keep going and hide it. Smokebombs can be dangerous and can get paint on you or your clothes so always keep that in mind. They do make magical backdrops though and I always love shooting with them.

To see even more from their elopement, check out the slideshow below.

Officiant: Peachy Keen Unions

Hair/Makeup: Heads Will Roll Salon


Dry Lake Bed Wedding Las Vegas