Today’s Casual Fun Las Vegas Elopement was so much fun to photograph.  Ellen & Jeffrey came all the way from The Netherlands to elope in Las Vegas.

Here is their story as told by Ellen: “We have been together for 7 years now. After Jeffrey came back from deployment in Iraq, we went straight on a vacation in the Dominican Republic. During his deployment he had secretly arranged an engagement ring and asked my parents for my hand on Skype. As we always go and watch the sunrise for one day when we are on vacation we went to the beach on the first of June. It was a bit cloudy, we were a bit jet-lagged and also tired from the early wake up call (not noticing at all that Jeffrey was full of adrenaline). He set up the camera to make “some snapshots” we walked over to the beach and got on one knee and proposed. When looking back the video, we saw a big tractor was crossing by in the background during his proposal, making a ton of noise we hadn’t even noticed during the moment.

We kept our engagement a secret during the vacation to enjoy it ourselves and decided not to start planning the wedding straight away, but we quickly started talking about it. Both of us had said in the past that if we would have gone to Vegas, we would get married. Although I always said this as it was what my parents had done back in the day and I wanted to do the same with the man I loved, Jeffrey said it that he would marry anyone who would have gone with him on a vacation, cause it’s Vegas! Luckily for me I was the first, and so the location was quickly decided. We both are looking for a fun day, to enjoy together.”

And a fun day together was definitely had.  They had their quick ceremony at The Graceland chapel and I met up with them right after.  We headed downtown to the art murals and some neon.  Next, we headed to a liquor store so they could celebrate with a drink.  They both purchased Budweiser, can’t get much more American than that.  After a few sips we headed off to In-N-Out burger.  While in line to order, a super nice gentleman behind them in line insisted on paying for their meal.  It was very unexpected and nice.  After eating their first meal as husband and wife, we headed to our final destination.  The dry lake bed is where we ended the day.  They rented an American Muscle car and we got a bunch of smoke bombs and I had some fireworks that they requested as well.  Ellen changed from her traditional white dress into a gold sparkly one.

It was such a day to remember.  To see even more, watch the slideshow below.


Casual Fun Las Vegas Elopement